The Personal Statement

A stack of books–new editions of John Porcellino’s King-Cat collections from Drawn & Quarterly–sends our writer into a voyage of discovery regarding the influential cartoonist, whom he now reads for the first time.

Momentism Revisited: “Batman: Three Jokers”

One of the most read print comics of the year is….a Batman comic, featuring the Joker. Joe McCulloch is here to take a look and see what this installment of America’s favorite corporate mythology had to say for itself.

True Belief in Stan Lee

The latest Stan Lee book is bad, that’s no surprise. But how bad is it? Helen Chazan is here to make the case that it might be the worst one yet.

Alterations & Alloys: CF at Anthology

Matt’s here to report back on the welcome return of the massively influential (but still under-discussed) CF, whose latest work from Anthology shows an artist still operating at full power.

Return To The Book Nook

Marc Sobel’s archaeological finds include The Miracle Squad, Steve Bissette classics, R.L. Stine (huh?) and a comic that was actually published in 2019: you read that right. Go ahead and open your presents early!

Ming! Ming! Ming!

Sexton Ming and J.T. Dockery’s 15-years-in-the-making collaboration, Kenttucky Pussy, made its way into the world via Nix Comix, earlier this year. Bob Levin took the trip, and he’s recovered enough to explain.

Raina Telgemeier Has Got Guts

Raina Telgemeier’s work may feature a child-protagonist and may be read by children, but her compositional complexity within and across her autobiographical graphic narratives is as thoughtful and nuanced as the comics medium permits. It’s not good because it’s popular: it’s popular because it really is that good.

All There Is: Andrew White On Kevin Huizenga

In 2017, Andrew White took a look at Kevin Huizenga’s Ganges in a zine called All There Is. In advance of White and Huizenga’s soon to be published TCJ interview, we’re pleased to republish that zine digitally.

The Purpose of Shittiness

Bob Levin’s all caught up on the early years of Casanova Frankenstein, and he’s ready to play tour guide. Buckle your seatbelt!