Dean Miller: In (and Out) Like Flint

There are hundreds of unknown sob stories in comics. Creators routinely signed away the rights to their original concepts, had their work butchered by heavy-handed editors, and suffered as the comics industry weathered financial upheavals. And that’s just comic books. Newspaper strips are another thing.



Keith Silva goes bold, we provide links, it’s Tuesday: the day after Monday.

Revisiting Dakota North

According to Keith Silva, we don’t talk enough about Dakota North–and he’s here to remedy that situation, with a look at the under-discussed ’80s miniseries by Martha Thomases and Tony Salmons that introduced the character.

Dermal Lift: Barry Windsor-Smith’s Weapon X

Weapon X isn’t the only superhero comic to tear down its protagonist’s heroic facade or even to indict its readers for believing in that image – though it is one whose force and quality surpasses all but the top rank of stories to do so.