Vince Giarrano

Some people shake off their cocoon slowly, while others incinerate it in glorious, immediate flame. Michel Fiffe returns to make the case that the latter description fits Vince Giarrano.

Desert Island

2018 saw Desert Island into its tenth year, which means we finally pinned Gabe Fowler down for the latest installment in our Retail Therapy column!

Koyama Press

Excerpt: House In The Jungle

Thanks to Koyama Press, we’re pleased to share this excerpt of Nathan Gelgud’s latest work, House In The Jungle. In it, a potent pineapple dealing hermit’s transcendental quest is disrupted by the encroaching townspeople he supplies. Then things get weird!



Eddie Cambpell on the secret history of comics, and the news.

Give Me Liberty

Marc Sobel takes a long look back at Give Me Liberty, Frank Miler and Dave Gibbons exploration of fascism and heroics, to see if the book got anything accurate with its prediction of the future.

Norm Breyfogle: 1960-2018

A long look at the career of one of the most recognizable and beloved Batman artists of the modern age, Norm Breyfogle, who passed away on Monday, September 24th.