Héctor German Oesterheld’s Contributions to Mort Cinder

While the construction of Mort Cinder has been noted to be a flexible and collaborative effort between Breccia and Oesterheld, there are distinct and recurrent motifs in it which suggests it was not put together for reasons of mere entertainment or with little forethought. If anything, there is a coherence and depth in its plotting which suggests a steady hand at the tiller.

Michael Dean

Episode 34: Ben Passmore

On the penultimate episode, the BTTM FDRS creator discusses the impact of Prince of Cats, shelving a post-collegiate magnum opus, and when leather jackets and moshing came to hip-hop.


Folded Limbs

Let’s look back with Frank Young, and then pay homage to the world’s largest independent media conglomerate (in terms of revenue).


The Cloven Field

There’s no better day of the week than this one right now: now let’s get cooking, with Marc Sobel & Sarah Horrocks.

Welcome to the Strip Mine

One of the great joys of comic book collecting is longbox surfing. You know what I mean, standing for hours sifting through filthy, disorganized boxes, carefully un-taping bags of one cheap floppy after another, scanning the credits, flipping the pages, gauging the condition, and, best of all, chatting with other geeks who actually get it.… Read more »