AJ Dungo: Day Five

Closing out the week the way it began–by getting out the door and taking a chance. Today, AJ paints.

AJ Dungo: Day Four

There’s more than one way to grieve, and there’s no way to do it wrong: but there’s definitely poetic methods, and often, that’s the way you should go.

A Clyde Fans Roundtable

Seven comics scholars and Seth experts discuss the long-awaited, twenty-years-in-the-making complete collection of Seth’s Clyde Fans.

AJ Dungo: Day Three

We had to cut the panel where AJ said “easier said than done, pal”–it just seemed to on the nose.

AJ Dungo: Day Two

When you gotta go, you gotta go: there’s a reason that the old sayings get that way. It’s because they never stop being true.

AJ Dungo: Day One

Starting the week off on the right foot, with the right kinda attitude: is that the AJ Dungo way? We’ll find out as a new Diary begins!

Generation X Comics & Games

A Dallas comic book store is giving away $25,000? You read that right. Find out all about it in our conversation with Wayne McNeil, from Generation X Comics & Games!


Ribs Hangover

This week, Melanie Gillman sets a record by being the first cartoonist to follow up one week of a Cartoonist’s Diary with a second week. Here are Day Six and Day Seven. Nicholas Burman is here, too, with an interview with the British comics writer Mary Talbot. In your comics you’ve gone from writing about… Read more »