
Tengo Hambre

It’s day two of Pitchfork scribes turning in comics reviews, and day one of a Kilgore take-over. Also, i’m molting.

2001 Nights

There are many science fiction comics, but none of them are quite like the visionary ten-issue 1990s manga from Yukinobu Hoshino.


The Finest in Grog

Time to meet Sara & Ardo, your Lambda nominations, learn from the book of Stotts, and check in with two other contributors who have gone off and made some comics.

Ass Kicked

Bolting topicality onto a struggling juvenile concept never elevates the juvenile concepts as well as creators always seem to think.

Katie Skelly: Day Five

The reason that everybody loves to throw down on Friday is because it’s awesome to throw down on Friday: especially when you’ve earned it.