Filing Kim Deitch

Reading Kim Deitch means reading Kim Deitch about Kim Deitch, and burrowing into a 20th century history of his own creation.

Bulletproof: The Kane & Hine Interview

An interview with Shaky Kane and David Hine, creators of The Bulletproof Coffin, a candy-coated, psychedelic superhero romp that doubles as a savage condemnation of the comics industry.

Evan Dorkin

The first episode of a new biweekly podcast. The special guest: Milk & Cheese creator Evan Dorkin.

Bill Blackbeard: Tributes

Words of appreciation from Gary Groth, Chris Ware, Lucy Shelton Caswell, Mark Newgarden, Robert Beerbohm, Michael Tisserand, Peter Maresca, Trina Robbins, and others as they come in.