Gary Gerani

Gene Ahern Covers The Conventions

You might have missed this. Gene Ahern, a popular newspaper cartoonist covered the tense, rancorous presidential nominations by sending Major Hoople, his Our Boarding House comic strip character, to the Republican and Democratic national conventions. It’s understandable if you didn’t happen to catch Ahern’s coverage in the funny pages. After all, it happened in 1928.… Read more »

Comics Criticism: Seven Hot Takes for Summer 2016

She tweeted that “comics criticism is trash and must be destroyed.” Does “comics” agree? In this episode, Grid veers away from comics boosterism (and moves perilously close to parody) as we search for answers. That, and Frank Cho’s unmentionables.

Richard Thompson, 1957-2016

Thompson, illustrator and creator of the syndicated comic strip Cul de Sac, passed away on July 27, 2016 due to complications from Parkinson’s disease. He was 58 years old.