Welcome to the Strip Mine

One of the great joys of comic book collecting is longbox surfing. You know what I mean, standing for hours sifting through filthy, disorganized boxes, carefully un-taping bags of one cheap floppy after another, scanning the credits, flipping the pages, gauging the condition, and, best of all, chatting with other geeks who actually get it.… Read more »

Watching the Penguins

Nick Thorburn’s Penguins is one of the more unusual comics of the year. Read it quick–according to Thorburn, we might melt into a puddle of goo at any moment.

10 Cent Museum

The Strange Case of Stan Lee

When Lee passed away last week, non-comics world friends reached out to me to express condolences. They knew I loved comics and that I’m interested in the history of the medium… Clearly, this was a loss, right?

Baron and Messner-Loebs’ Flash

Fiffe had a Flash itch, and like any real comics fan, there’s only one true Flash: Wally West, the fastest IRS employee in the history of American taxation.

A Stan Lee Interview (1968)

In this interview, Ted White captures Lee at the peak of ’60s success. It is a snapshot of the day-to-day of the Marvel offices at that time. Sol Brodsky cameos.

What He Taught Me

Stan, Jack, and Stan’s kid brother didn’t create Thor, the Norse god of thunder, or Loki, or Odin, or Asgard, or any of all that. Asserting that they did is silly on the face and yet …

Stan Lee, in Brief

Who —or what— was Stan Lee? Editor, hustler, hatchet man, corporate player, shill, writer, frustrated novelist, success, failure, catalyst, front man, self-parody, hack, exploiter, innovator.

Stan Lee: 1922-2018

There may be no figure in the history of comics simultaneously more revered and more reviled than Lee, the human face of the comics industry for a generation.

Marc Bell: Day One

The Shrimpy and Paul cartoonist documents his ongoing residency at the artist-run Struts gallery in New Brunswick.

Escape Pod Comics

Escape Pod Comics has only been open for six years, but they’ve already made their presence known. We spoke with Menachem Luchins to find out what’s going on in Huntington, New York.