Ellen Lindner: Day Five

Perfection cannot remain ignored for long, even if it’s just eyebrows we’re talking about. Friday is here, and so is Ellen Lindner!

Ellen Lindner: Day Four

In today’s installment, Ellen embraces ritual to soothe her baseball woes, clears a deadline out of the way…and makes a giant life choice involving her hair color.

Ellen Lindner: Day Three

Opera, books, listening, Instagram. It couldn’t get more slice of life than it’s getting this Wednesday. A birthday approaches!

Ellen Lindner: Day One

Ellen faces the withdraw that follows binge-watching, grapples with…what is that, Hale & Hearty? No matter. A new Diary begins!

George Freeman

According to Fiffe, George Freeman’s got it all–but don’t let a blurb convince you. Fiffe’s got the man’s actual work here to make the case!

Héctor German Oesterheld’s Contributions to Mort Cinder

While the construction of Mort Cinder has been noted to be a flexible and collaborative effort between Breccia and Oesterheld, there are distinct and recurrent motifs in it which suggests it was not put together for reasons of mere entertainment or with little forethought. If anything, there is a coherence and depth in its plotting which suggests a steady hand at the tiller.

Michael Dean

Episode 34: Ben Passmore

On the penultimate episode, the BTTM FDRS creator discusses the impact of Prince of Cats, shelving a post-collegiate magnum opus, and when leather jackets and moshing came to hip-hop.