Another Look at the East Village Eye

“There was no money.  I think we were actually paid in drugs.” — Mark Michaelson, former art director The East Village Eye Lower New York has been the scene for numerous “art movements,” and the decade between the mid-70s and mid-80s sure was one of them, especially for the convergence of comics, “art,” and punk | February 15, 2016

Rockin’ in the New Year with The Rocket’s Xmas Covers

Happy Holidays to everyone, whatever it is you celebrate–or not celebrate–this time of the year.  In the spirit of the New Year, and in an effort to further explore some historical connections between comics and other forms of popular culture, today we will be focusing on some of the Christmas-time covers done by an extraordinary | December 22, 2015

The Pathological Culture of Dal Tokyo

Dal Tokyo dramatizes both the conundrum of civilization—i.e., the individual’s quest for instinctual freedom is forever in conflict with the social order’s demand for conformity and instinctual repression—and also the conundrum of the mind torn between conflicting imperatives.

Questions for Griffy

Shortly after the publication of Bill Griffith’s Lost and Found: Comics 1969-2003, Gary Panter sent the cartoonist about 20 questions. Here’s what came back.