Retail Therapy

Morgan’s Comics

Out in North Carolina, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Morgan’s Comics seeks to be a community gathering place. Zach sits down with Morgan Albritton herself to hear about how it’s going.

Retail Therapy

Dreamers & Make-Believers

It’s hard enough running a comic book store during a pandemic, but how about opening one? Dreamers & Make-Believers pulled if off, going from pop-up retailer to brick-and-mortar in Baltimore, and Zach’s got the story.

Retail Therapy

Laughing Ogre Comics

We catch up with Gib Bickel, manager of the Eisner-winning Columbus, OH comic shop Laughing Ogre Comics, about decades of history, the love of a good story, and the Ogre’s perspective on today’s distribution-related challenges.

Retail Therapy

Golden Apple Comics

Zach checks in on the Los Angeles celebrity comics mecca that started his own personal journey, Golden Apple Comics. Ryan Liebowitz is on hand. Websites, distribution woes, publishing endeavors, start-up production companies, and decades of comics history are all up for discussion.

Retail Therapy

Black Cat Comics

It’s off to Salt Lake City to speak with Greg Gage about back issues, what it’s really like to deal with all those new distributors, and how companies like Marvel & DC might get things back on track: the answer probably isn’t in a movie theater!

Retail Therapy

Mile High Comics

Zach speaks with one of the most well-known comics retailers in the world, Chuck Rozanski, who has refused to let capitalism, right-wing zealots, a coal-covered floor or a brain bleed stop him from doing what he loves: running Mile High Comics.

Retail Therapy


Zach speaks to comics retail fixture Buddy Saunders about how he went from the early days of comics mail order to online comics behemoth – and all the direct market stores he ran in the meantime.

Retail Therapy

Atomic City Comics

Retail Therapy returns to Pennsylvania to take a look at a different perspective on selling comics in Philadelphia, as Zach sits down with Michael Yates of Atomic City Comics.

Retail Therapy

Galactic Quest

Zach heads down South for this installment of Retail Therapy to check in with Kyle Puttkammer, who has been surviving and thriving with two Galactic Quest direct market comic book stores for decades. Optimism? He’s got some!

Retail Therapy

Big Bang Comics

Ireland’s Big Bang Comics reports to Zach and TCJ about the changes they’ve seen in the old school single-issue comics retail model, and whether a periodical-focused store has an economic future.