TCJ.com is a magazine about comics edited by Chris Mautner & Sally Madden. The print edition of The Comics Journal is published annually. Both projects are published by Fantagraphics Books.


The Comics Journal Archive is an ongoing effort. When an issue is available it will be designated as such in blue at the top of that issue's table of contents. For a history of the Journal itself, click over to Mike Dean's 2001 article, Born of Bile.

The Comics Journal Archive 

All questions about digital subscriptions and access to TCJ.com archives should be sent to [email protected]


Sally Madden, Editor

Chris Mautner, Editor

Kristy Valenti, Editorial Coordinator

Subscriptions: [email protected]

News Items, Queries, Tech Concerns, and Information: editorial (at) tcj (dot) com.

Advertising: Please contact Kit for current rates and specifications.


If you'd like to write for TCJ.com, please send an email with the subject line: "Submission Inquiry" to editorial (at) tcj (dot) com. Please structure your inquiries as a pitch — which topic  you would like to write about, why you think that subject is a good fit for tcj.com’s comics-first, creator-first mission, and what personal or professional insight you can bring to the project. Due to the volume of submissions, the Editors will be unable to offer a personal response to all inquires.


PDF links are acceptable. Please also email [email protected] when submitting print copies:

The Comics Journal
7563 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115


1. Comments which include ad hominem or abusive attacks on writers, commenters, or figures featured on the site may be deleted.

2. Comments which are deemed racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive may be deleted.

3. Comments which stray too far from the topic at hand (especially when of a promotional nature) have a very good chance of being deleted. If you want to share a link, send it to one or both of the editors, and maybe we’ll post it. Otherwise, it better have something to do with the post or resulting discussion.

4. Comments designed to start or prolong unnecessary, unpleasant, and/or just plain ugly arguments (i.e., trolling) will be deleted.

5. Commenters who repeatedly post comments that are deemed abusive in one of these ways will be warned via email. If they continue to post comments of an unwelcome nature, they will be given a week’s suspension. If a third warning is necessary, the commenter in question will be banned pending further review.

That’s it for now, though we reserve the right to add new rules if and when they become necessary. Remember, debate and discussion are welcome, but is important that these arguments stay civil.