Hare Tonic

Shoes & John Q. Public

Bob is calling class to order, and this time, he’s looking back at Vaughn Shoemaker, the question of who invented the “Q” in John Q. Public, how the Gospels made it past the editing stage, and supplying some professional anecdotes of the way things used to be, professionally..

Hare Tonic

Doomsday Clock: What’s It All Mean?

R.C. Harvey isn’t going to let Geoff Johns get away with spending a huge amount of time messing around with old Watchmen comics and thousands of alternate DC universes without giving the end result the old once over. Can Bob resist the bombast?

The Mort Walker Interview

In this in-depth interview, Mort Walker talks about growing up during the Great Depression, serving in the military, developing risque versions of his characters for overseas publishers, founding a comics art museum housed in a concrete castle, raising 10 kids, and much more.