Pablo Picasso

Half Note Art

What can Picasso tell us about cartooning? How can we define ‘drawing’ in the greater tradition of visual art? Andrew Field has a few suggestions.

Trip Report – Chicago Comics: 1960s to Now

Artist and educator Anya Davidson visits a new exhibition of Chicago cartoonists at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, spanning over half a century of history. Features dozens of pictures, an interview with co-curator Dan Nadel, and a visit to an alternative exhibition at the DIY space Gridsport.

Tributes to Kim Thompson

Memories from David B., Peter Bagge, Mike Catron, Daniel Clowes, Helena G. Harvilicz, Gilbert Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, Paul Karasik, Jason T. Miles, Tony Millionaire, Pat Moriarty, Eric Reynolds, Richard Sala, Joe Sacco, Chris Ware, and many others.

Days of Yesteryear

Now that all our fond hopes for 2013 have been dashed and our memories of 2012 rendered into a whited sepulcher, wouldn’t it be wonderful to relive those innocent times? Well, then, I’ve got the column for you.

The Diagram of a Life

I finished reading Building Stories about an hour ago, and I’m already late on my deadline. Building Stories is big. It takes time to absorb. Even unpacking all the materials from the box requires time and space that I should have been giving to other things.

From Comics History to Personal Memory

In Building Stories the narrative past, present, and future come unglued from one another, reminding us that reading itself may also be an issue of memory, of what we recall and when we recall it.

The Silent Sublime

What does silence teach us about the graphic medium, and the perception that we listen to comics as much as we engage in reading them?

The Toc Toc of “Nothing, Really”

Rather than encountering a disability that’s visually present but verbally absent, readers meet with very explicit mention of the protagonist’s body at various points in various texts:.

Beautifully Failing, Anew

How does this concentrated exploration of failure shape our understanding of these artists’ accomplishments, as well as their relationship to their own work?