Fiona Smyth: Day One

After you see art at one place, you’re gonna end up seeing art at another, and then another–that’s just how things go in the world of Fiona Smyth.

Katie Skelly: Day Five

The reason that everybody loves to throw down on Friday is because it’s awesome to throw down on Friday: especially when you’ve earned it.

Katie Skelly: Day Four

In today’s installment, Katie goes shopping for all the sundries that turn the mundane into luxury. Never deny yourself joy!

Katie Skelly: Day Two

In today’s installment, Katie has what the scientists like to call “a good day”. Spiritual, emotional, physical and professional goals are all met!

Tom McHenry: Day Four

Taking on the frustration of others, doing the bare minimum when dinner rolls around. What’s that? “The Libyans betrayed our cause!”

Tom McHenry: Day Three

Bikes, giving cats medicine, and drinking in those late night conversations about the functions of emotion: welcome to the TenderDome.