
Time: Part II

Before we head out for the Thanksgiving holiday, we have a few last things for you. First, R. Fiore is here with the latest installment of his Funnybook Roulette column. This time, he tackles Joe Sacco's return to underground comix-style satire, Bumf, and comes to terms with his political nemesis, Ted Rall. Here he is on the Sacco:

If Bumf doesn't garner the sort of broad attention and acclaim that Sacco's previous works have it won't be because of any lack of passion, imagination, or artistry, but because it's expressing something that's genuinely painful.

And Sarah Boxer has our review of Jill Lepore's Secret History of Wonder Woman:

Lepore makes the case that Wonder Woman, which began in the early 1940s, is feminism's “missing link,” a vital connector in a “chain of events that begins with the woman suffrage campaigns of the 1910s and ends with the troubled place of feminism fully a century later” (yes, there's still no Equal Rights Amendment!). But what really sticks in the mind is how tightly bound this feminist superhero and her creator were with the art of bondage and submission. Marston, a walking talking contradiction, battled for women's liberation while conducting scientific studies to prove that women enjoyed bondage and beating other women with sticks. He declared that any woman could have it all, but it was he who had two or three women at the same time – one to support him and his family (Sadie Holloway), one to raise his children and write gushing reviews of his psychological work (Olive Byrne), and one to take care of the incense burning and the “love binding” in the attic (Marjorie Huntley).

Meanwhile, elsewhere:

—Reviews & Commentary. Johanna Draper Carlson writes about that massive (and massively unsuccessful) Tezuka Kickstarter from a few weeks back.

Marc Singer has broken his internet silence to review Grant Morrison and Fran Quitely's Pax Americana.

Ben Towle reviews recent books about comics.

—News. Stan Sakai's wife Sharon has passed away, as Sakai revealed on his Facebook page. Like her husband, she was a beloved figure, and in recent years, many in the comics community had rallied to her support through various efforts.

Tom Hart and Leela Corman's SAW is having its annual fundraiser.

A Hugo Pratt watercolor has been auctioned off for a record price.

Interviews. Gil Roth talks to Mary Fleener.

Whit Taylor talks to Dog City Press.