TCJ Archive

The Comics Journal No. 274, February 2006

Featuring interviews with Mike Ploog and Sophie Crumb; Greg Sadowski on early Kurtzman comics.


Blood and Thunder (p. 9)


Michael Dean, Newswatch: “Distributer Deathwatch” (p. 20)
Michael Dean, “Crumb vs. Amazon” (p. 28)
Michael Dean, “Judge Sends Alternative Comics Case to Trial,” (p. 30)
Michael Dean, “Speakeasy Hits Hard Times and Finds New Focus,” (p. 32)
Gary Walker, “The World’s Biggest Comic Strip” (p. 34)
Greg Stump and staff, Journal Datebook (p. 36)


Michael Dean, The Mike Ploog Interview (p. 80)
B.N. Duncan, The Sophie Crumb Interview (p. 120)


John Carnahan, “Why Are You Doing This?” (p. 50)
Gabriel Carras, “Eisner/Miller”
Charles Hatfield, “The Birth of a Nation” (p. 54)
Gregory Cwiklik, “The Life and Art of Murphy Anderson” (p. 56)
Ian Brill, “Wimbledon Green” (p. 59)
Adam Stephanides, “Finder: Mystery Date”
Tom Underhill, “Planetary Book 3” (p. 62)
R.C. Harvey, “Earthboy Jacobus” (p. 65)
Bullet Reviews, “Public Enemy #2”, “Or Else #2”, “The Murder of Abraham Lincoln”, “Super F*ckers” (p. 66)


Chris Lanier, “Charlotte Salomon’s ‘Life? or Theatre?’” (p. 69)
Greg Sadowski, “Early Harvey Kurtzman Comics” (p. 137)


Fighting Words (p. 177)
Rich Kreiner, Meet the Comics Press (p. 178)
R.C. Harvey, Comicopia: “Another History of Comics Book” (p. 186)
Kenneth Smith, Time Out of Joint (p. 193)