
Love and Acceptance

Today on the site Joe McCulloch brings the week in comics, and Bill Schelly has written a full obituary of longtime cartoonist Murphy Anderson. Here is a bit:

After graduating from high school in 1943, Anderson attended the University of North Carolina briefly, then went to New York to find work in the comics book industry He ended up being hired by Jack Byrne to work in the in-house art staff at Fiction House, publisher of popular titles Jumbo, Planet, Wings, Fight, et al. He worked alongside, and learned from, artists such as Bob Lubbers, Ruben Moriera, and Art Saaf. He particularly admired the work of Reed Crandall and named the Blackhawk artist as an influence. Anderson’s best known regular feature at Fiction House was Star Pirate, which he did from Planet Comics #33 to #51. To improve his knowledge of human anatomy, he took life drawing classes at the Art Students League. At this time, he both penciled and inked his comic book assignments.


Robyn Chapman has a report on the recent MICE comics fest.

Alex Dueben speaks with Jennifer Hayden. 

And Print magazine has a nice scroll through a Winsor McCay-illustrated book of note.