Chris Kuzma: Day One

This week, we’ll be joined by Chris Kuzma. In today’s installment, he’s on the hunt for a technological marvel, and won’t be stopped by panel borders.

Excerpt: Rust Belt

Check out a twenty-page excerpt from Sean Knickerbocker’s Rust Belt, released this week from Secret Acres.

AJ Dungo: Day Five

Closing out the week the way it began–by getting out the door and taking a chance. Today, AJ paints.

AJ Dungo: Day Four

There’s more than one way to grieve, and there’s no way to do it wrong: but there’s definitely poetic methods, and often, that’s the way you should go.

A Clyde Fans Roundtable

Seven comics scholars and Seth experts discuss the long-awaited, twenty-years-in-the-making complete collection of Seth’s Clyde Fans.

AJ Dungo: Day Three

We had to cut the panel where AJ said “easier said than done, pal”–it just seemed to on the nose.

AJ Dungo: Day Two

When you gotta go, you gotta go: there’s a reason that the old sayings get that way. It’s because they never stop being true.

AJ Dungo: Day One

Starting the week off on the right foot, with the right kinda attitude: is that the AJ Dungo way? We’ll find out as a new Diary begins!