TCJ Archive

The Comics Journal No. 56, June 1980

Featuring an interview with Michael Fleisher; reviews of Batman, Tomb of Dracula, and Legion of Super-Heroes; illustration by Dennis Fujitake.

Blood and Thunder (p. 23)

Newswatch (p. 9)

Michael Catron, “The Blessed Life of Michael Fleisher” (p. 42)

David Stallman, “Underhanded History of the USA” (p. 32)
Stephan McGonagle, “Batman” (p. 34)
Greg Huneryager, “Tomb of Dracula” (p. 35)
David Stallman, “Legion of Super-Heroes” (p. 37)
Capsule Reviews (p. 41)
Capsule Reviews (p. 81)

David Stallman, “Opening Shots: A Space Cadet No More” (p. 4)
Dale Luciano, “Cinema Journal: The Fog, Saturn 3” (p. 74)
Bill Sherman, “Underground Comix: Dissent: Before the Bomb” (p. 78)
David Stallman, “Underground Comix: Dissent: After the Bullets” (p. 79)
Jim Korkis, “Suspended Animation: Mighty Mouse and Company” (p. 83)

Dennis Fujitake, “Princess Python” (p. 91)