TCJ Archive

The Comics Journal No. 41, August 1978

Featuring an interview with Steve Gerber, a heated letters section, and a piece on the 1978 “DC Implosion.”


Blood & Thunder


The DC Implosion
The New DC Line


Steve Gerber


Dwight Decker, “The Well-Tempered Uru Hammer”
Jim Dawson, “Caught! — In the Steve Gerber Trap”
Dwight Decker, “Superman Gets Married!”
Ruben-George Toyos, “Media Influence on Power Man”
Frank Catalano “The Fury: Brian De Palma Carries On”


John DiPrete, “Trivia”
Marilyn Bethke, “An Introduction to Steve Gerber”
Dwight R. Decker, “Oh, What a Tangled Web We Read!”
Dwight R. Decker, “Foster Faces the Force and Flops”
Jeffrey Wasserman, “Funnybook Finances”
Bill Sherman, “Animal Fog”
Jim Korkis, “The Near-Sighted Adventures of Mister Magoo”


Bob Aull—Dragon
Doug Herring—Thor
Dennis Fujitake—Lois, Gerber & Howard, Spiderman Novel
Judy Hunt—Man-Thing, The Masked Man
Joe Sinardi—Star Wars Spinoff
Jim Kuzee—Funnybook Finances
Don Rosa and Patty Payne—“Tagdenah”