
Photo Finish

Today on the site Kristian Williams reviews The Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks:

Future Shocks collects some of Moore’s earliest humor work from 2000 A.D. (the magazine, not the year). Most of the stories are short, just a couple of pages, but some combine to make up a longer, ludicrous arc. Though they date from the early eighties, they feel like they belong to an earlier era: the humor is a little like the early Mad — oddball and mocking — often mixed with the morbid twist-ending of old E.C. comics.

And elsewhere on internet... Tom Spurgeon offers a modest proposal that we writers-about-comics link creator's names to their creations when writing about whatever the latest iteration of those properties. It's a good idea, and one that can build the idea of those linkages to, one hopes, will highlight the debt we owe to those artists.

No transitions here: This is a Hodler link special: Plastic Man in Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow; TCJ contributors Joe McCulloch and Tucker Stone write about some recent movies. J. Caleb Mozzocco on the book Jackie Ormes: The First African American Woman Cartoonist

A final reminder: Your applications for the Santoro Correspondence Course are due today! Frank also has some comic-making format options up here.

Last but not least, fave local comic shop and culture producer Desert Island is celebrating its 4th anniversary tonight with a blowout party from 7 to 9 pm. On the docket: Beer and 20% of everything. 540 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn NY 11211.