
More Power

Hi there,

Today Frank joins us to discuss Mardou's Sky in Stereo.

This is a romance set in Manchester UK and drawn in a clean "cartoony-realism” style. It's a coming-of-age tale if there ever was one; we follow Iris as she navigates her late teens. Parents, religion, boys, drugs, fast food, and daily life are the fare. 

There are a range of ways in which I could tell you about the story and how it unfolds and how it’s drawn. However, I would like to focus on the fact that I usually don't enjoy this type of story. There's usually something heavy-handed in the presentation. It’s too cutesy, or too serious, or just not well made. And here is a story that is not cutesy, or too serious, and it’s well made. It just breezes by like a good movie which you want to watch again, or a TV show that you re-watch rather than wait for the next episode. I can binge read this book.


Life as as cartoonist in 1913.

Philly store and publisher Locust Moon will now just be a publisher and con organizer.

There's a new Mineshaft on the horizon.