
Maybe You’re Just A Muggle, After All

Today on the site, we've got Carta Monir's review of Higu Rose's Tittychop Boobslash. While it's normally a punk move to jump to the final sentence and spoil the blurb, I feel it's best to welcome Carta aboard with the same level of disrespect I once received, back when Michael Dean commissioned reviews from me for the print edition, and then never spoke to me again. Note to self: Fire Michael Dean

"Although this book isn’t framed as an educational comic, it is an excellent resource for any young trans person navigating the healthcare system. Understanding how other people manage against the same kinds of obstacles can be lifesaving, and Rose’s clear, personal account is full of helpful details. Trans or not, you owe it to yourself to read this book."


Over the weekend, a number of comic and geek culture figures outed Lucas Siegel — a comics blogger, journalist, Disney and Star Wars enthusiast, improv comedy practitioner, and veteran of the Armed Services — as a serial harasser of women. While it doesn't appear, so far, that there's an actual news article out regarding the charges, it's rather early in the cycle. Lucas has posted a response on his Twitter account, which one can read if you feel necessary: -it is, in classic fashion, not really an apologySo far, his statement has been met with almost universal derision. Janelle Asselin, who was once married to Siegel, wrote about Lucas's past behavior and her own comments to him-- which occurred long before the recent allegations were made, and so cast Siegel's comments (that he learned about his behavior "yesterday") in an extremely curious light.

It's worth noting that Lucas is not someone who most Comics Journal readers may even be aware of. His tenure as an editor at Newsarama primarily consisted of him writing drearily written enthusiast prose about tiresome superhero comics, responding to any criticism by exaggerating his military record or accusing the critics of being "haters," all the while attempting to cash his mediocre role into a gig writing Star Wars comic books. I'd be hard pressed to imagine a reason why someone reading the Journal would have seen anything by him, or even been aware of him beyond the one thing that made him unusual amongst the rest of the mouth-breathers who are desperate to turn the hours they've invested in nerd products into a consistent paycheck, which is that he happened to be trusted by the US military to carry a firearm into combat. More to come on this subject!